Veterinary Services in Libertyville, IL
Veterinary Surgery
At GTAH, we recognize how important your pet is to you and your family. That’s why we take every precaution necessary to ensure their health and safety. This is especially true during your pet’s surgical services. Cats and dogs commonly undergo at least one anesthetic procedure during their life. Usually, this is a spay or neuter, but other procedures such as skin growth and other mass removals, soft tissue surgery, and dental cleanings, and oral surgery can occur.

GreenTree Animal Hospital’s Surgical Capabilities
Our veterinary hospital in Libertyville, IL, offers expert surgical procedures, including spay/neuter, mass removal, laceration repair, cystotomy (bladder surgery to remove bladder stones), intestinal or abdominal surgery, foreign body removal, elective gastropexy, exotic pet surgery, and small animal spay/neuter.
Safety Precautions
Our goal is to minimize risks associated with anesthesia.
- Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork and Exam – we check your pet’s overall health as well as their kidney and liver function as these two organs play an essential role in metabolizing anesthesia. We offer pre-anesthetic ECG and chest radiographs that are reviewed the morning of surgery by a radiologist or cardiologist as needed to rule out a cardiac concern prior to anesthesia.
- IV Catheterization – an intravenous catheter is placed, so we have direct access to your pet’s circulatory system to administer medications and fluids throughout the day of the procedure
- Vital Monitoring – we monitor vitals at appropriate intervals throughout anesthesia using a multiparameter monitor. We can adjust anesthesia if needed based on changes to these vitals. Each patient has their anesthetic depth as well as their heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, oxygenation level, and blood pressure monitoring with every procedure.
- Dedicated Technician – your pet is assigned a dedicated technician who will monitor your pet from the start of anesthesia through their recovery.
- Pain Management – we administer appropriate pain management before, during, and after surgery, so your pet wakes with minimal discomfort. When appropriate, your pet will also be dispensed pain medications to keep them comfortable at home.
Surgical Recovery
We send unique instructions home specific to your pet and their procedure but there are some general guidelines to follow.
- It is normal for your pet to be a bit groggy for 24-48 hours after surgery as the anesthesia wears off.
- We recommend keeping your pet confined in a small pet-safe room or crate and leash walked for 7-10 days to limit their movement to prevent tearing at their sutures or swelling of the incision line.
- Prevent your pet from licking, chewing, or tearing at their incision and or sutures through the use of an E-collar, t-shirt, or thunder shirt, or bandages we may provide.
- Avoid jumping, running, or playing with other pets for 7-10 days.
- Monitor the incision line for swelling, redness, or discharge – call us immediately if there is a concern.
- For more information on oral surgery, please visit here.
- Click here to review our pre-surgical instructions
- Click here to complete our Surgical Consent Form